I grew up in Southwest Minnesota. I am one of eight children. My parents were incredible role models who instilled a strong work ethic along with a commitment to helping others and our community. I graduated from Tracy High School and moved to Minneapolis to attend the University of Minnesota. I working multiple jobs, including security and cleaning houses, enabled me to graduate from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Housing Studies with a concentration on Design and Building Technology.
I am married and have two children with my husband of 24 years, Marty. Both of our children attended school in the Osseo School district and graduated from Park Center High School. I also have a an adult stepdaughter. My husband and my son are both United States Marine Corp Veterans. I have lived in Brooklyn Park for 24 years, in 1998 my husband and I purchased our first home in Brooklyn Park. When we decided to look for our next home in 2010, even though we had the ability to move elsewhere, we choose to stay in Brooklyn Park.
I have worked Hennepin County for the past 22 years administering complex Federal Community Development and Housing Programs. I have dedicated my almost 30 year career to community development, strengthening neighborhoods and ensuring housing affordability for families and veterans in my current role as a Program Analysis Supervisor. I have a strong commitment to public service and my volunteer work has allowed me to enhance my skills, knowledge and build relationships and network.
I was elected to the City of Brooklyn Park City Council in 2018 in the Central District. I have gained experience in leadership, collaboration, negotiations and getting a diverse group of people to come together to make the city better. I served as Mayor ProTem during the eight months (January to August 2021) during the special election for Mayor. Due to redistricting, I am seeking re-election in the west district. Redistricting - Brooklyn Park
Prior to being elected for council, I had been selected as Chair for two different city commissions. Brooklyn Park Planning Commission (April 2011 to March 2017) Vice Chair 2014, Chair April 2015-March 2017. The Planning Commission holds public hearings on a wide variety of development issues, including zoning, platting, conditional use permits and variances. In addition, it develops long-range plans to guide the physical development of the community through a comprehensive planning process. I have also served as the representative for the commission to the following:
the Park and Recreation Committee during the creation of the Recreation and Parks Master Plan (2012)
the Signature Development Task Force (2013)
The Neighborhoods Initiative Task Force (2014)
I have also served on the Brooklyn Park Citizen Long Range Improvement Committee (CLIC) (2009–2011) Chair (2009-2011) CLIC members study long-term trends and makes recommendations to the City Council on improvements to Brooklyn Park's future and reviews the City's infrastructure planning (streets, sewers, and public buildings) where public funds will be involved.
Brooklyn Park Council appointed me as one of the citizen representatives to a number of tasks forces to study the following specific topics requested by the Council:
Brooklyn Park Stable Neighborhoods Task Force (2006)
Brooklyn Park Multifamily Housing Study Group (2008)
Brooklyn Park Community Advisory Committee (CAC) member for the Bottineau Light Rail (2009 to 2014 and again in 2018).
The Brooklyn Park Youth Opportunities Coalition (2008–2011). This was the foundation of the youth program that are now a permanent under the Brooklyn Bridge Alliance, now called BrookLynk. I participated in multiple summits where we had focused conversations, listening sessions, consensus workshops and used surveys done by the youth to listen to their voice and to and create collaboration with the youth, the community and local government in order to positively raise awareness of problems facing youth. My son and I were featured in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article about our participation in 2009.
In addition, I serve on the Liberty Oaks Single Family Association Board (2010 to present) – President (2012 to 2021).